Personal Training

A Holistic Approach

Strength Training


Stability And Core Strength

Mobility and Flexibility

Cardiovascular Health

training with me

When training with me, you aren’t paying me for my time.  You’re paying me for my expertise.  I treat each session like an educational forum where I teach you exactly what we’re doing, how we do it, how to make adjustments and how to create a system that serves you and your goals.  Imagine drinking out of a fire hose… kinda like that.

The objective is to find the least effective dose of exercise to create the most change possible.  I know you don’t have time to waste with your busy schedule and that’s why I am hyper focused to get you to your goals in record time.  In order to do that, we will find the exercises best suited to fit your body structure, your goals, your limitation and your preferences and I’ll be with you every step of the way.

The only thing left to do is show up for our sessions and give me your all.  I will take you where you want to go, I need your attention and effort front and center.

my training style

A holistic approach

I view the body as a whole and treat is as such.  We aren’t just individual muscles, we’re a cohesive unit that works together in every way.  With that in mind, we need to work every muscle of the body to maintain and progress to optimal health and wellness.  We also need to practice different forms of movement, strength training, cardio, mobility, flexibility and stability.  If the body was designed to do it, we need to do it.  Ever heard the phase “use it or lose it”? Yea.. that holds true here.  If you never stretch, you’ll have problems.  If you never work the lungs, you’ll have problems.. get the gist?

When you treat the body as a whole, you have a happy body.  You will notice a reduction is pain and discomfort, while experiencing a huge improvement in movement function, posture, energy, confidence and countless other benefits.  The cool thing is, with a few tweaks here and there, you’ll be on your way to optimal living sooner than you know it.

Training focuses

strength training

Strength training is the bread and butter for transforming your physique and performing better than ever before.

With a proper strength training program, you will be able to build the body of your dreams.  You’ll improve posture, create optimal proportions and really allow your look to be streamlined and impressive.  Strength training also helps you burn some calories, bump up your metabolism and feel better – so you can perform at your best.  And that’s why we’re all really here, isn’t it?


Rehab and prehab are invaluable aspects to a proper health and fitness regime.  Without properly taking care of your joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments and the rest of your structure, we’ll be fighting an uphill battle the entire journey.

Whether you have chronic low back pain, an elbow that’s been bothering you, or some other type of ache and pain, I got you covered.  I’ve studied rehab in one way or another for the better part of a decade and I have helped hundreds of people like you not only get out of pain, but help them reach abilities they never thought were possible.  Are you ready to kick the nonsense to the curb and finally fix those nagging injuries?

Stability and Core Strength

Without optimal stability and core strength, we are one step away from becoming injured – and we are always going to be lacking performance inside and outside of the gym.

Most people focus simply on big movements, lifting with both limbs at the same time.  Even worse is when the main focus is solely on machines which do a lot of the work for us.  Don’t get be wrong, those are amazing parts of a solid workout plan.  We do, however, need to compliment those things with direct and intentional work to increase stability and improve strength in our core.  This will ensure longevity and promote a more well rounded physique.

Mobility and Flexibility

Building strength is an important component to building an impressive physique, but without creating a healthy environment under the hood, we will eventually crash and burn.

In order for us to REALLY be healthy and strong, we need to address the status of our joints, tendons and ligaments as well as the ability of our muscles to reach full lengths.  If things are all jacked up, tight and restricted, that tugging and pulling will eventually lead to poor mechanics, aches and pains being more prominent, and performance decrease.  Let’s avoid all of that by being proactive and building a strong foundation for our fitness.

Cardiovascular Health

Similar to mobility and flexibility, cardiovascular health is under the hood, and it’s very important for overall health and longevity.

I don’t view cardio as a massive contributor to weight loss, but it is an imperative tool for internal health of our heart and lungs, and needs to be a priority if you truly want to make a transformation.  Getting the heart rate up, breaking a sweat and releasing endorphins will do wonders for how you feel and how you perform.  The key is to get intentional and not just aim to become tired and burn calories.

what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials

After our first personal training session, I left feeling inspired and motivated! I hadn’t done weight training in over a year, and Matt was the perfect person to help me get back in the game.  His friendly and patient personality made me feel very comfortable and allowed me to trust him. Certain tweaks and techniques he shared made all the difference. It was very clear to me that he was an expert in the field and I enjoyed all the knowledge he shared!  Matt will be there to give you tools, knowledge and motivation to succeed. Without hesitation, I would recommend Matt to anyone looking for a personal trainer or online coach!

Brittany B

Matt not only helped me create the body I’ve always wanted, but he taught me exactly what we were doing, why we were doing it and how to fine tune everything to fit me and my needs. If I was in pain, we altered the plan so we could still make progress. On top of all of this, he was a pleasure to work with and is an amazing guy. Highly recommend working with him in person or through his online coaching system.

Joe N

I recently completed a 90 day program with Matt and couldn’t be happier with the results and progress I made. I had never used a personal trainer in the past – I always thought I knew what I was doing when it came to fitness but I quickly learned how mistaken I was after working with him. Matt and I met to determine what my goals were and what my challenges were (motivation,commitment & nutrition) to come up with a plan that we quickly put into action. My plan was split into 2 phases over the course of 90 days and it was tailored to get me results I wanted (lose fat, gain muscle while maintaining weight) and into better and healthier habits in all aspects of life. During the 90 days, Matt checked in with me regularly to see how things were going and to make sure I was staying on track with our goals. He was always accessible, answered all my questions and worked with me whenever I had difficulties with certain exercises. Overall I had a really good experience working with Matt and would highly recommend working with him no matter what your fitness goals are. I give Matt my highest rating and will continue to work with him in the future.

Ary C

Through Matt’s guidance and support, I finally cut through the constant bombardment of online fitness and nutrition noise. I found his holistic approach to health and wellness to be empowering, educational and supportive. Matt was genuinely invested in my success. He taught me how to become the best version of myself, and more importantly, provided me with the tools to sustain this version on my own. If you are ready to optimize your health for the long term, Matt Collins is your guy!

Bradley M

Matt has been an outstanding coach to me. When I was struggling with being out of shape and over-weight, he provided guidance, expertise, and recommendations, all rolled into a 3-month program which included nutrition discussions, daily goal setting, personal videos, access to on-line apps to stay focused, and his availability when I had questions. I am well on my way to my personal goals thanks to him! If you are a busy professional who needs a bit of guidance from someone who really knows their stuff, Matt is your guy

Candace C

Investment options

I am investing my time in you, as you are investing your time and hard earned money in me to ultimately get the results you’ve always wanted.  The more time you invest, the less you financially invest per session.


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