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what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials

It has been a pleasure to invest in working with Matt over the last 12 months.  When I initially reached out to him, I was exhausted, overwhelmed, weak, had no direction in relation to my health and well being and was honestly ready to give up.  I had felt this way for 10 years and I am very thankful I came across Matt when I did.  Flash forward to a year later and Matt has helped me more than I ever imagined.  My energy is better than ever, my confidence is through the roof, I love how I look naked and my performance at work skyrocketed month after month.  If you felt anything like I did before, please do yourself a favor and invest in yourself by apply to work with Matt.  You will NOT regret it.

Richard Y.

I never imagined that I would feel as good as I do now.  The majority of my life I have spent being uncomfortable in my own skin and scared to speak up for myself.  I know Matt is a fitness coach, but he is also so much more.  He has a completely holistic approach that has helped me blossom in so many ways.  It starts with fitness and nutrition but leads into lifestyle changes, pain and stress management, mindset tweaks that help with confidence and performance in your career, and so much more.  I just turned 54 and I feel like a complete badass for the first time in my life… and this is after just 6 months in the Dream Body Accelerator program.  If you want results like this… just pull the trigger.

Maria R.

Matt has been my coach for 3 years now and it feels like each and every month we progress together.  Matt has an amazing ability to sense exactly what is needed at the perfect time.  He asks the right questions and has the right solutions to get you where you want to be in record time.

When we first started working together, I was fat, out of shape, and honestly hated myself.  I reluctently agreed to work with him for 3 months (I had no discipline whatsoever) and it was the best thing I could have done for myself.  Not only have I created the best version of myself possible, but Matt is a pleasure to work with and you can tell he actually gives a shit about his clients.

Travis E.


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