My Blog




Accelerate your Rate of Healing And Recovering With This Simple Concept

Rest. It’s what the doctor ordered, right? For the longest time people in the medical, health, fitness, and performance world(s) thought the first thing needed after an injury is rest. It makes sense, though. You recover when you sleep, so why wouldn’t you rest up to...

Fix Your Desk Posture And Shoulder Pain With This Proven System

It’s common place now. Dreaded ‘Work From Home Posture’ I’ve always called this ‘Desk Posture’, having worked with busy professionals for years. But it’s different now.  It’s much more widespread since everyone’s been working home for the last year.  And it...

Tired Of Those Noodles You Call Legs? Level Up Your Leg Day

Ahh, the coveted leg day. Some people relish in it, bask in it, yearn for it. While others cower away from it, avoid it, and pretend it doesn’t exist. The former attacks it full steam ahead, owns it and makes it their bitch. The latter half-asses it, pussy foots...

Online Coaching – The New Era Of Fitness And Performance Training

The world is a different place nowadays Things have changed due to obvious reasons, and in many ways they’ve changed for good People are working from home, industries have morphed completely, we’ve lost access to certain things we loved while gaining access to others...

Slow Your Roll… Controlled Speed And Tempo Will Bring Accelerated Progress

Want to know a sure fire way to eliminate progress from being achieved, ensure joints feel achy and muscles don’t feel fatigued, and you look the same forever? Neglect control during exercise. You see, our bodies recognize one thing in terms of building strength and...

The Big Three – Protein, Fats and Carbs

Nutrition really is so simple. Why does everyone have a hard time with it? If you were to take a random person off the street and ask them what they are struggling with in terms of health and wellness, chances are they’d tell you it’s nutrition. Sure, people have...

Pro Tip: Carbs aren’t bad for you, stop being a child

As with anything in the fitness, health and wellness world these days, nutrition has more misinformation out there than one can wrap their head around It seems every other week there’s an article about how something is bad for you, then it’s good for you, then its...

So You’re REALLY Sore… Is That Good Or Bad For Results?

DOMS is that itch that you can’t scratch… that sensation you get after a kick ass workout for the next few days.  That feeling novices fear and experienced trainees relish. But is it actually a good thing?  Does it PROVE a good and effective workout was...

The Golden Ticket To Progress

Time and time again I come into contact with someone who’s spent years working out, eager to transform their body into a lean, mean, fighting machine… You know, someone who looks good naked, who has great strength and endurance, who is the envy of their peers and who...

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