
My Story.
 My Mission.

As you know by now, my name is Matt Collins and I am a personal trainer, rehab specialist and Executive Coach.

I was born and Raised in Massachusetts and have always had a passion for fitness.  When I was just a little guy, I remember seeing Arnold Schwarzeneggar on the TV and thinking “I want muscles like him!”.  My goals and aspirations have changed since then, but my drive and dedication to the health and fitness industry is as strong as ever.  I spent my teenage years learning how to use gym equipment organically through trial and error, really committing myself to learning the craft of weight lifting and functional movement.  That passion carried over into my late teens and early 20s as I sought out a formal education to match the informal one I had been cultivating for years.

I studied Kinesiology and UMass Amherst and followed that up with Physical Therapy at Bay State College in Boston.  This education really gave me the foundation and background to take off as a trainer and rehab specialist as I moved across the country to San Diego, CA.  Over the next few years, I’d hone in on my skills with the goal of becoming the best possible coach I could be.  That mindset has never changed and it has allowed me to continue leveling up and helping my clients achieve things they never thought possible.

After working with many influential and prominent business professionals through the years, I realized a massive need for something different.  Executives who travel a lot and have a high amount of variability and inconsistency in their schedules struggle to thrive within traditional personal training.  In my eyes, they needed a new plan of action.  They needed to be help accountable when they were on the road, and they needed someone to save them years of research and trial and error to bring them to the desired result in record time.  They needed someone to look at their lives holistically with a fine tooth comb to create a system specifically for them and their needs.  Ultimately, I created a system for executives, directors and business owners to thrive in their health as they do in their careers.  This executive coaching system isn’t just a workout or nutrition plan, it’s the next level of coaching that will allow you to meet the 2.0 version of yourself you’ve wanted to be.


Strength Training, Nutrition and Rehab

This is the meat and potatoes.  I will help you pinpoint weak links and address areas of pain and discomfort, and from there, we will make them strengths while minimizing pain to allow for consistent progress.  Without that, you’ll be in an endless cycle of BS.  From there, we will create a system tailored to you and your goals to create the body of your dreams and energy to crush the day.

Productivity and Performance

How you do anything is how you do everything.  My system is holistic in that we don’t just focus on the body, we focus on the rest of you as well to optimize your performance in your career and life.  We start with an overhaul of your morning routine to optimize your day and consistency improve, strengthening your mindset and habits for long term success.


Yes, you will be giving a blueprint of what to do, when to do it, and you’ll be held accountable to achieve the results you want.  But without “the how”, “the what” and “the why”, you’ll never be able to sustain in the long run.  This is why educating you on how to make these decisions on your own is the golden ticket.  Without this, you’ll need to rely on a trainer for the rest of your life.  This system was designed to have you walk the walk and talk the talk.


options for training location

A Gym near you

In an ideal world, you’ll have access to weights, machines, cardio equipment and some space to move around.  This will allow you the tools needed to streamline success in several ways

There are a few things needed to realize serious success within changing your physique and performance.  One of those things is Progressive Overload.  Basically this means you need to get stronger through time in order to create substancial change.  Utilizing the equipment inside a gym will help you utilize this concept more effectively and efficiently and help you save precious time.

Although this is the preferred method, it’s not the only way.  Some of my clients have too demanding of a schedule to make it to the gym, while others simply prefer working out in the comfort of their own home.  In certain instances, business travel gets in the way of a gym workout, and other approaches are utilized instead to keep them on track.

options for training location

Home gym

For those of you who either prefer working out at home or have scheduling confliects that prevent it, no need to sweat 😉

There’s always a way to alter the plan to fit your needs.

Typically about a third of my clients workout at their home gym with great success.  Sometimes they already have an amazing setup, and sometimes I help them create an efficient home setup with cost friendly additions.  Either way, we can simply adjust the workouts to utilize what we have available to create lasting and substancial progress.

We may need to get more creative with the approach when working out at home, but as mentioned before, we can always find out a way to optimie your situation for your goals and get you there in record time.  It’s all about fine tuning and adjusting for YOU.

options for training location

In Person with me

The beauty of the services I provide is in the options.  You can workout on your own at your local gym, workout in the comfort of your own home, or if you are in the same area as me, you can work with me in person.

In person training has some added benefits such as a more watchful eye with your technique and ensuring you are really pushing the limits in a safe and effective way.

Many of my clients have opted for the hybrid model where they experience the accountability, structure and support of my performance coaching system with the added fine tuning of technique that personal training provides.  Ultimately you’re getting the best of both worlds.

No matter where you spend your time working out, results will be coming at you in record time due to the holistic, comprehensive and intelligent approach that I’ve mastered through a decade of coaching and a lifetime of fitness experience.

If you’re ready to level up and finally transform into the 2.0 YOU, you’re in the right place.

Matt Collins

Personal Trainer, Rehab Specialist and executive Coach


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