Accelerate your fitness, health and performance

executivE Fitness


are your ready to level up?

1 on 1 Coaching

with Matt collins

Matt is an Executive Fitness Coach and Consultant, Rehab And Performance Specialist and Personal Trainer with over a decade of experience.  He is extremely results and service oriented, working with the upper echelon of the business world to help them unlock that next level of health and performance.

Whether working with Matt in person or virtually, you can expect to be held to a certain standard.

Accountability, education, structure, planning and a solid work ethic are how the money is made – and you will earn and develop the skills required for long term, sustainable results in record time when you make the commitment and dive in with both feet. 

Are you ready to level up and achieve greatness in your personal and professional life?

Gone are the times of needing information to thrive.  We are living in the information age, where anything you ever want to know is at the tip of your finger at a moment’s notice.

While no one has an information problem these days, most have an implementation problem.

That’s where I come in.  I help you sift through the weeds and keep you on course – eliminating wasted time and optimizing trajectory toward the 2.0 you that you’ve want and need to be.


benefits you can expect


Dramatic increase in energy


Skyrocketed confidence and self worth


Impressive changes in your physique


Drastic decrease in pain and discomfort


Accelerated education within health and fitness


Supercharged ability to optimize productivity and performance inside and outside of the gym


Ability to finally manage fitting your career, family, health, fitness, nutrition and rehab into your busy schedule and somehow make it all work

what people are saying

Client Testimonials

Matt created a customized, safe, informative and challenging environment for me to improve my overall fitness level, including an increase in my muscle strength, and building my self-confidence! I highly recommend Matt!!!

Ron R

I’ve been working with Matt for about 3 months now and I’ve enjoyed the wealth of knowledge Matt has. Not only does he give great workouts but he explains the process so you understand how the body functions best. I feel this is extremely important so you can transport your workout to your own gym when he’s not around. I am excited to continue to work with Matt and see the great results! Thank you for your attention and effort in all of our sessions Matt!


I only got to work with Matt a few months, but they sure did the job. I was coming off a high-stress, low self-maintenance couple of years, and was in pretty bad shape with deep muscle sprains, stiff joints, and low stamina. Matt put me back on track by listening to my needs (routines I could do outside a gym) and concerns (particularly an ache in my arm I’d had for months), and by introducing modified moves till my body got strong enough for tougher techniques.

My goal was to get out from behind my desk and shift to a retirement-career working with wood and metal. I’m still working on the shift, but just the other day I wrestled several heavy, awkward plywood panels across the yard and into my workroom without any aches the next morning. Before working with Matt, I would have been immobilized.

Dave W

I’ve been working with Matt as my personal trainer for the past few months and I honestly can’t say enough good things about my progress. I have seen a noticeable change in my body physically, and I have become so much stronger. My only goal was to become a bit more toned, but I feel like with Matt’s guidance my strength and level of fitness have really become so much more than that. Matt designs each training session with different variations of exercises so it never gets boring, and he is so motivating and enthusiastic that even though the workouts are intense it is always fun.  He is also very patient and really explains the mechanics of everything we do, which I find incredibly beneficial.  I feel very lucky to have found him at this point in my fitness journey and look forward to continuing working together. I highly recommend Matt to anyone interested in changing their body and improving their overall health.

Monica K

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